7 311 5 40 9 102 6 8 22In the late 70's early 80's I met Dr. David Phillips, he came to me as a Client, and I studied Numerology from him. I also helped him with some parts of his Book. "The Secrets of the Inner Self". Since then I have read so many Books on the subject...to expand my knowledge on the subject. My mother (Aleida) was also my teacher. I truly believe in all I have learnt.Numerology is a wonderful science, it is amazing how you can tell so much about a person from their Numbers...I thought I will try something NEW....anyone visiting my Blog can leave their Birth Date.Or their full name at Birth....or even just their house number.Whatever, and leave their details under "comments" below...just click on "comments" ....From this information I will give you my personal interpretation....I will try this out....and then I will go further in Numerology...with more interesting stuff...Also if you don't mind me giving the interpretation on my Blog.If you don't want to leave your name...that's Ok...then I just work from your Birth date...I can also do the three number selection...and all you need to do is give me 3 numbers...between 1 and 9...and I will tell you something interesting thru NUMEROLOGY....
Hey! This is quick...my first Numerology interpretation....The above Blue Print of Clinton has the arrow of Frustration or Separation, like I mentioned before, this arrow is not always easy. The missing 4 - 5 - 6 can provide very frustrating and difficult experiences, yet Clinton will be drawn to situations which will test his patience and endurance in many aspects throughout his life. This can be strenghtening arrow, but strength is not a quality which is given freely to us. It is a quality which must be earned.Some famous people who have this Arrow ... Ray Charles , Elizabeth Taylor, Donald Bradman, Edgar Cayce, Kerry Packer, and my mother Aleida has this Arrow, just to name a few.It is very interesting to look at other people's life's and compare, all the above people have such different life'sMy first glance of Clinton, his Birth date 30-10-80....all numbers contain "0" plus his birth time 10:00.. WOW! Another O 0....ha ha ha...No seriously, all numbers containing an "0" gives divine protection. Also if you look at the world "0" it is a circle...humanitarian.Oprah....is world famous. "O" can be all or nothing...you can be truly famous, Outstanding, or making a name for yourself... Or like a ZERO "nothing " and do nothing, and don't want to achieve. It is truly up to Clinton. People who have a 3 day number (such as myself) are considered "the entertainers" Clinton likes to be the entertainer, actor, singer etc... even the comedian...Inspiration, imagination and vision "Clinton"...he needs work of this level. With lots of variety otherwise he gets bored. He can't be told...he learns from his own mistakes and experiences.Look at his Birth date and add....30+10+1+9+8+0 =58/4 ....This is how I add the Birth date.Not single digits. So Clinton is a 58/4 (5+8=4)The 5 can make him the Mad scientist always investigating, researching, testing and trying to find a solution. He loves to experiment. He also can be the Jack of Trades and Master of None.Clinton needs work filled with something new, similar to his life...he gets bored easily.The 8 and the 4, he likes to be his own boss, or be self employed. Or even the Manager.8 is the number of power and strength and endurance...4 can be the Politician always debating.Or can be argumentative. He does however, have a very soft and sensitive nature, although he does not like to show it.4 Being his Ruling Number, represents mother earth, is down to earth at times. Plus can be practical, methodical organized and a perfectionist at heart. 4 is also the builder.I hope you have enjoyed this short interpretation.Another request: 44 House Number...Well as you know Amanda 44 is a master number.Being double digit. All master numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44 and so on give master situations.Your house is 44, no wonder John has done a lot of reconstruction and rebuilding...a lot of work.One 4 wants perfection and the perfect result...double 4 can mean lots of work "sorry"and in a 44 the work is not always completed. Some water or plumbing problems. Also the structure of the building can have faults and needs lots of attention.Work can be difficult in a 44 home.Another brief interpretation....First of all, I want to thank everyone who has left their comments, it is a pleasure to give my interpretation of the wonderful Science of Numerology.I have a big task to do .... since I am a slow typist... ha ha ha....and I will try to do all8 Birth dates as requested. I thought to make life easy for me I am going to sort out their Ruling Numbers, and whoever has the same I will mention by name....Janelle, 38/11 Mathew 56/11 and Neil 38/11 ...share The Master Number 11/2.
What I love about the 11 is that you become the known experts, and that is why it is called the Master Number. (My husband is a 47/11) Most 11's go thru a mental, emotional testing in their lives, that's why many lessons come into their lives. You are probably incredibly interested in Psychology, Self Development or helping people with their problems. Because most 11's can be the expert, the inner "knowing"..... Or the 11 is the Channeller...A lot of them have done their best work thru Psychic feelings, or Channelling. What I have discovered too with the 11, is that a lot of Musicians, Composers, writers, Artistic work come under the 11. I am quite convinced when I look at your numbers, that being multi-talented as you are...and I've quoted some of the opportunities you can have...you have preference and choice...in which area you can make your Pathway in Life. Although, some 11's can be indecisive....not know what path to take. I could say you are the producer and director of your own life, yin yang, negative or positive.
Most Ruling 11's have beautiful relationships, (I am experiencing 30 years of marriage) if you look at 11....1+1=2 ....2 people. However, if you have attracted the wrong partner then separation and divorce could happen. 11 is a Karmic number (cause and effect) there is a reason for that realationship...YES!...REAL-LATIONSHIP....SHIP for travel life's journey together. Real to make REAL...and one could be the teacher....I love this Zen Buddhist phrase "When the student is ready...the Teacher appears...." Also most Ruling 11's are very kind, loving, compassionate and understanding....they are the PEACE MAKERS, they can't stand any aggressive situations, they give in for the sake of Peace...All we are saying...is give Peace a Chance....sung by John Lennon. And so it is...The words Wisdom and Light come under the Number 11....(Wisdom being Knowledge...and Light to see...the all seeing eye) Some take a whole life time to experience this...and some have to re-incarnate to achieve this. ha ha ha. The Dali Lama is not laughing because of a joke....he is laughing...because of his joy of life and wisdom and see life as he perceives. That's why I love him so dearly.....
Janelle and Neil share the 38/11....the 3 is the number of the entertainer, the comedian they love to make people laugh. It is also inspirative, imaginative and perception of vision. They can use these tools which ever way they feel. 8 is the power number, giving strength and endurance. It is also the Number of being in charge....either in business or life...however, the 11 is the opposite, so they can use either. Both Janelle and Neil are poetic and imaginative and can see things that are hidden from most other people. Through your dreams, goals and vision you can see what you desire.
Louis 48/3 and Melissa 30/3 share the Ruling number 3...like I said before...3 is the number of the entertainer, comedian etc...(read above). Some 3's are very gifted, especially anything Artistic. You really can not work in a Bisket Factory packing Biskets all day this would bore you, and if you are, you are not living to your number vibration. You see, you need work that has lots of variety...always something different. You can be multi-talented, however, don't be the Butterfly going from Flower to Flower...in other words be patient and complete what you do. If you are throwing a Party...(can I come...ha ha ha) you make wonderful host, and can be the Life of the Party keeping everyone entertained...sing play a musical instrument and tell jokes.....laugh and the world will laugh with you...weep and you weep alone...and you will peep if anyone is watching. So you see there is a bit of an Actor in you Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock Acting could even be your profession...Yeah! You are a natural. Be careful not to over indulge such as Booze, Drugs or over eating. Don't live a stressful life, it can be difficult for your health. Your lives can be filled with material success and live in luxury.
Louis 48/3 the 4 can make you down to earth...4 is the earth number...you love working with your hands. 4 can be practical, methodical and the organizer. 8 is the number of power and strength...(read above). You are also the builder, building life brick by brick to lay down your foundation of life...bring a happy marriage and family life. Melissa, 30/3 you are a pure 3 and all that it stands for. The "O" is very good...the world can be yours read above on Clinton's Numerology. Your life is and will be truly SUCCESSFUL!!! Do you like writing...? then write.
Now for Bradley 62/8 and Danielle 62/8 both sharing the same double digit numbers. As I mentioned before about the 8 (read above) Most Ruling 8's have the power and strength to create whatever you desire. Most 8's have their own business, or can be the manager or in a high position. Because you both are still young, it still could be in your future. You have the power within yourself to achieve wisdom and control of the forces within you, but don't become a slave to the intellect, which casts off what it cannot understand through reason. You are analytical and discriminating mind with an eye for detail. Order and regulation are important in your life. You are also efficient and could succeed in detailed work, such as chemistry, pharmacology anything...ology maybe Numerology...ha ha ha...Astrology and so on, you see, you like to test research, prove and investigate. Hey! This could make you the Detective or CSI work. You are clever, inventive and inquisitive, and are willing to research to find the answers.... You are a thinker, quick and perceptive. You dominate groups through your ability to organize and get things done. Be careful not to over dominate, this could lead to disappointment. However, the 6 from your double digit, is very loving and thoughtful. 8 sometimes, can have a strong and dominating force. If you are a "Kung Fu Master" there is where you can put force....wax on wax off...hee hee....Actually, this would be good for both of you...so you can let out that pent-up energy of yours. Some people are amazed with your energy....use it positively... The 6 on your chart is kind, loving, and caring. Most people who have a 6 can be in the field of medicine, Doctors, Nurses etc. You also could be a teacher....I teach guitar, but I also teach Numerology, Card Reading....there is so many forms of teaching that awaits you. Both your numbers have very interesting talents and it's up to you deep in your hearts what you choose.
Now for Carly, Ruling number 55/10.All Ruling 10's are old Souls....you have been on this earth many times over, no wonder you love the spiritual, mystical and life experiences. You have been thru all. Although you are still young you amaze people with your talents and knowledge. You are the natural teacher...we can learn from you. Carly, you also are considered the know expert. Although, you too don't like to be told and learn from your experiences. Most Ruling 10's are attracted to the medical profession. Also you could be involved in Artistic work. You are perceptive and therefore equipped mentally to explore any idea or project. You have the ability to reason and a talent to write.As dominating personality you reflect honest, high minded ideals, which you can inspire others.You also can have musical talent, even compose...(try it...you will be amazed).Most people look up to you, and all that you discover and bring to life. You maybe considered a day dreamer...(a bit like Harry Potter stuff) ...dreams that are beyond this world.The double 5, you need to guard against, because you can have a temper. Maybe, because you can't stand other people's stupidiness. Be patient for they do not know, you can guide them and help them like a Self Development therapist...which you also can be good at.Relationship, could be a test....but when you fine your Soul Mate...that's another story.Family is important to you....but you love to be independent. You can't stand to be fenced in.You need your "FREEDOM" other wise you can go crazy. People who know you such as "MUM"does understand this trait of yours. As a child or young teenager, you could have been the Tom Boy....playing Boy stuff...rather than girl stuff. You could also get into mischeif. ha ha ha..But that's OK...we need that...in order to learn.You have great success in your life, and could even become famous...so there you go.Again, this is only a brief interpretation...
hope you have enjoyed reading ... everyone...
To be continued....