The Lenormand Cards originate from a woman called Mademoiselle Lenormand, full name Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand. Born in Alencon France on 27th May, 1772 (she was thus a Gemini) and died in Paris on 25th June, 1843. Educated in a covent, she went to live in the capital at the age of 21. Her first employment was in a laundry, but she soon teamed up with the fortune-teller Madame Gilbert. A butcher's apprentice by the name of Flammermont pulled in customers for them. In 1793 three men who would later play important roles in the future of France paid a visit to Mademoiselle Lenormand: Marat, St Just and Robespierre. The sibyl prediceted that each man would live to die a violent death. She also claimed that one of them would enjoy the honour of a glorious funeral, but that the other two would suffer the scorn and ridicule of the angry populace. And as she predicted, that's just how it all happened!

Mademoiselle Lenormand herself was a frequent guest and moved freely in the wealthy circles of Parisian society. It was in one of these chic `salons' that she became acquainted with Josephine Beauharnais, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Soon after their introductions to one another, Mademoiselle Lenormand became a regular adviser to the future Empress.
The clairvoyant predicted that Josephine and her husband Napoleon would one day ascend the throne of France. It is reported that Napoleon laughed out loud when he heard about her prediction. But she who laughs last, laughs the loudest: history proved Mademoiselle Lenormand correct. Her fame took root and established itself firmly in French reality.
Powerful and wealthy Parisians vied for the chance to visit the `Sybil of Faubourg Saint Germain' in her salon in the ruede Tournon. Her astonishingly accurate predictions of the future and the fates of individual questioners caused her fame to increase, both in France and in many foreign countries as well.

Her life and her skills helped to raise the prestige of the art of card-reading in her own lifetime, and the pack of oracle cards which she left to future generations continues to bear witness to her greatness as a fortune-teller and vision art. Her oracle deck has been used for years with much success in many lands all over the world.
Some of this story has been written by a dutch lady name Erna Droesbeke von Enge.
The above picture cards are various Lenormand Decks, if you want to know more you can leave a comment.