My first experience in television was Channel 9, however I don't have any pictures ...so I'll give you a photo of Channel TEN instead, which was the 2nd network I was employed.

I also appeared in front of the Camera on Blind Date...(that was an experience) that's me with the long hair....

The above picture is a Film Editing machine called a Steinbeck, I did lots of work on this machine....that was Film....now we have Video...and more...

Now we have Colour....the above Photo is Angelo on a Sony Video editing and playing machine.
I worked at Channel 7 and used this machine too.....Oh what memories....
I left Channel 7 in 1993.

Here is Julie.....doing my work...ha ha ha
Mark Fisher, me and Andrew Anderson....my boss
Carol Benfield and me, my other Boss at Channel 7....
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