Here we are in the year 2008....
The first card represents the PAST being the
CASTLE.....it's OK to think of the PAST....
but don't live there....some past matters we
need to keep on following....
It's a bit like your cupboards or draws....
get rid of the old...or if your cupboards or draws
are full, how can the new enter.
The CROSS is Destiny....it is your Destiny in this
year that will happen....let it be a good one...
The KEY....well you can open any door....
it's like that expression...."Knock on the door...
and the Door will open" So which door will you
knock on....and are you ready to open new doors...
Of course you will... 2008 will be GREAT!!! :)
I saw you on Elizabeth's blog and whisked through cyber space to see your blog.
Well, well, well. You 'are' interesting.
I have a numb bottom. I am seated on deck on a bunch of old timber that I am going to throw away. It is different sizes. Different parts of mu bum, it falls into different sized bits of wood. Not The Most Comfortable.
Here is a long tale made short. My friend, neighbour. Drunken woman. I read her cards. Now she is the grand pooh bah with Reike. Her spirit is so gifted. I am so glad that as a catilist, I set her on her path.
Life is a funny thing. (Is there an 'h' in catilist? I think there must be.
Hello Ellen,
It's all very interesting.
Nice cards too..
Take care,
Hello grotty yachty,
You know...when I read your letter
I thought...well OK...
I believe everyone has there own
feelings...what do you mean by a numb bottom?
From your letter I feel your emotions.
We all have different experiences.
and we learn from all of them.
I feel we chose what we feel is right for us. I call that the true inner inner feeling within our being.
Love to you my friend,
Hi Cous,
You're trying to read too much into Grotty's comment about her numb bottom. She has a numb bottom because she was sitting on hard planks of timber. I think that you and I would would end up with the same result....hehehehehe
Grotty is a wonderful person who writes what she thinks at the time that she thinks it....even if it is in the middle of another train of thought.
Love ya
Hi Ellen - I'm trying to contact you, but the phone number I have is out of date, and I can't find you in the white pages. I hope that you can respond to this
Hi Ellen,
Long time not talked,and you may not like this blog eg hearing from me again,but past good experiences will not disappear from my mind.
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