Thursday, November 1, 2007

Looking back in the past

Today was a very interesting many times we think we know and it goes not the way you want it to go...Well here is my day....
I brought out my 8ml transfer film on photo and DVD.
For you young people... you would not know what I am talking those days we had Film. (Of different we have DVD...HD...etc.
Ok you have Super 8 and you have "R"...I think that means regular.
So here we are trying to load and play our film being Super 8 worked.
The whole afternoon, we were trying to play their films (Norbert & Christiane)
By the way, these films go back to the 50's 60's...Oh! thank god for the new technology...We could not understand why there's did 'nt work.
Then Norbert asked.."what is this button for "S" and "R" I said " S is for silly and R is for ridiculous....hahaha... S is for SUPER...maybe R is for regular.
Now Norbert was in tune...(the weird thing is, he knows nothing about this and yet...he solved the problem) switch the switch on "R" and then you can play their Films.....
And Yes...there you go we could play their Films...

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